At KCA we teach the biblical principle of stewardship.
We believe that everything we have belongs to God and we are only looking after, or are stewards of, what He has given us. It is with this in mind that we encourage people who call KCA their home to give regularly and generously in proportion to their income. To fulfil all that God has given us to do requires resources, so let’s ask God what we can do to play our part in giving to the work of King’s, financially and of our skills and time.

Sowing into the kingdom, fulfilling all that God has given us to do
Give out of what you have
As mentioned above, we ask all those who call KCA their ‘home’ to prayerfully consider the amount that they give regularly – and to review that sum as their situation may change. Responsible, joyful giving is one of the marks of a believer!
We recognise that giving is not always easy and that your personal circumstances will affect how you are able to give. We believe you should give out of what you have and not what you have not. If you are struggling financially or in debt, please speak to a Pastor or Elder.
“Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity.”
Ways to give
If you would like to make a donation towards our gift day then please use this link
If you would like to give regularly each month then please set up a standing order, you can do this directly with you bank
If you would like to give a one off gift via a card payment then please use the link below:
If you are a UK tax-payer then you can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
King's Church Amersham
Sort Code: 40-51-62
Account Number: 70226657