Funeral Policy

Kings Church Amersham Funeral Policy and Guide

The death of a loved one is a difficult experience. This policy is provided to assist families in planning and providing a Christian funeral at KCA.

Date and Time of Funerals

  • Date and times for funerals at Kings Church Amersham are to be arranged in consultation with the Pastor based on availability and the preferences of the deceased’s family.

  • The KCA building is usually available : Tuesday and Thursdays between 10.30am and 2pm.

  • The Pastor must approve all funeral arrangements at Kings Church.

  • Decisions concerning areas outside the scope of this funeral policy shall be decided at the discretion of the Pastor. A Pastor may be available for funerals of members and attendees conducted elsewhere, by personal arrangement.

  • Funeral services will need to be planned around already scheduled events.

Who will officiate?

A member of the Pastoral Team will conduct the funeral service at Kings Church unless by agreement with another pastor. Any requests for another church to officiate or assist in the service must be approved by the Kings Church Pastor.

Structure of the Funeral service

A funeral service held in the church is a service of worship, celebrating the deceased’s life and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Consequently, all parts of the service are to be consistent with the present worship practices of the church. Generally, the programme for the funeral and burial service will take on a traditional Christian form. The family may suggest other items to be included in the service, with the approval of the pastor.

Funerals for Members and Attendees

Funeral services for members and those who are active attendees of KCA are part of the normal pastoral responsibilities of our pastoral team and church. Members and active attendees are defined as those who regularly attend church services & events and support the church in other ways. We recognise that there can be special circumstances why members are inactive, and these will be considered on a caseby-case basis.

Funeral for Non-Members

We are unable to provide funeral services for nonmembers

Funeral Music

All musical arrangements (pianist, soloist etc) must be arranged for and taken care of by the family. If possible, we will make every effort to help you. The use of congregational hymns/songs is encouraged and may be selected with the pastor in consultation with the family during the service planning process.

Video presentations

If a video is to be used during the service, it must be submitted to the church office 24 hours prior to the funeral service for review.


Families may wish to display certain mementos or photographs of the deceased . The following guidelines would be applicable in these situations.

  • Any displays or pictures must be appropriate to a worship setting

  • No nails, blue tack, cello tape, staples or screws shall be put in the walls

  • All items must be removed after the conclusion of the service.

Flowers may be brought in and displayed for the service.

Closed caskets

All caskets must be closed during the funeral service. The Pastor will be in contact with the Funeral director leading up to the service. Memorial giving In certain circumstances, the family might request a contribution to the church or a charitable organisation in lieu of flowers. The church will not manage, receive or distribute funds for an outside institution. Funds intended for the church will be received by the church.

Other items to consider

The deceased family will be responsible for providing and serving refreshments if required.

Order of service – Families may wish to produce an order of service

Bereavement support

At Kings Church we offer the following support:

  1. Willing to Listen - An opportunity for you to talk to one of our team about your bereavement and its impact on your life.

  2. My Grief Journey - A six week programme designed for anyone who has been bereaved, whether recently or many years ago.

  3. Hearts of Love An annual service for those who have been bereaved to come together to remember those they live who have died.

  4. Café Connections This is an opportunity for people to connect with others who have been bereaved and chat informally over tea/coffee and cake. For more details email: or call 01494 431882.

Funeral Fees

Active Member

  • Use of the auditorium - Free

  • Use of Chapel Room - Free

  • Pastor - Free

  • Musician (non staff) - Honorarium

  • Sound & Tech (non staff) - Honorarium

  • Live Stream *if available - £65

(for the purposes of this policy, active members are defined as those who regularly attend KCA church services and contribute to the life of the church)

Non-member (half-day charge)

  • Use of the auditorium - £200

  • Use of Chapel Room - £120

  • Pastor - £150

  • Musician (non staff) - £100

  • Sound & Tech (non staff) - £100

  • Live Stream *if available - £65